Joint Degree in New Zealand

Degree type Joint (joint degree)
Number of specialties Two
Courses per year  9 courses per year
Duration 4-5 years
Examples of specialties  Bachelor of Laws  and  Computer Science
Average commission  10,000 to 40,000 New Zealand Dollars (4 to 20 Lakhs Indian Rupees) per course.
Note.  The total cost of tuition will still not be double as the courses are not part of a joint degree but are part of a dual degree.
Average salary  US$50,000 to US$77,000 (INR 23 to 35 Lakhs)  .

About the joint program in New Zealand 

Some Joint Degree Basics in New Zealand you should know:

  • A student choosing a joint degree in New Zealand will usually only take one additional course per year. Compared to a full-time course, it takes less time because some electives are not required. This means that a joint degree in New Zealand requires fewer points per degree than a  double full-time bachelor’s degree  .
  • Bachelor’s degree includes 8 courses per year. But since a joint course usually consists of 9 courses per year, a joint BA/  BA course  will mean a total of 36 courses. This means there are 17 courses on each side of the combined degree. Even adding one elective and a general education course to a combined degree would mean that a double three-year bachelor’s degree of 24 courses each is more than a combined degree.
  • Since a joint degree means taking two courses at the same time, you must choose a specialization on each side of the two courses. A student may also choose to double major on each side, but this depends on the combination of techniques in the joint degree.

Benefits of a Joint Degree in New Zealand 

Looking ahead, here are some of the main benefits of a joint degree in New Zealand:

  • Employability  : A joint degree is essentially a two degree qualification. This complements  the student’s resume  and increases his chances of getting hired.
  • Correlated Discipline  : Upon completion of a joint degree, a student may choose to take two courses that complement each other, contributing to the enhancement of their chosen field of study. For example, two different courses in the same  field of medicine  can easily complement each other.
  • Time Saving  : As mentioned earlier, a joint degree should not take students more than 5 years to complete, while a double degree, if pursued separately, takes at least 6-8 years.

Double Degree vs Joint Degree in New Zealand 

Now that we have learned about joint degrees, let’s look at the same with respect to dual degrees in New Zealand and provide an overview:

Double degree  Joint degree 
Two bachelor’s degrees simultaneously, but separately Two bachelors at the same time, together
48 courses (720 points) 36 courses (540 points)
More expensive than a joint degree More expensive than a bachelor’s degree

Must Read: Requirements to Study in New Zealand

Popular joint degrees in New Zealand

Not all course combinations can be joint degrees in New Zealand. These are some of the most popular joint degrees in New Zealand, with  a total duration of 4–5 years  :

  • Bachelor of Social Sciences with  LL.B.
  • Bachelor of Teaching  with Bachelor of Social Sciences
  • Bachelor of Teaching with a Bachelor’s Degree in Health, Sports and Human Performance
  • Bachelor of Business with Bachelor of Laws
  • Bachelor of Arts  with LL.B.
  • Bachelor of Teaching with B.A.
  • Bachelor of Management Studies  with LL.B.
  • Bachelor of History  and Genetics
  • Bachelor of Music  and Zoology
  • Bachelor of Communication Studies and Data Science

Universities offering joint degrees in New Zealand 

We’ve learned about some popular joint degree combinations in New Zealand, but which institutions offer these joint degrees? These are the best ones:

Universities in New Zealand  QS ranking 2023
University of Auckland 87
University of Waikato 331
University of Canterbury 284
Massey University 292
Victoria University of Wellington 275
University of Otago 217
Auckland University of Technology 486
Lincoln University 368
Manukau Institute of Technology
Southern Institute of Technology

Selection criteria 

Although this depends on the entry requirements of the respective university, the student must meet the eligibility criteria for each side of the joint degree, i.e. both courses separately. You can easily apply for the joint degree of your choice when making your initial application to the university.

Visit your chosen university’s website to learn about the co-op programs they offer. Eligibility for an international student in New Zealand is as follows:

  • Qualification (as specified by the university) from a reputable, credible secondary school or institution equivalent to New Zealand.
  • At least 70 to 75 percent in Class XII or as stated in the university guidelines.
  • English language proficiency assessment
    • At least 6 points in  IELTS  and 80 points in  TOEFL  .
  • Study visa to New Zealand  .

Required documents 

  • Graduation transcripts
  • Postgraduate transcript
  • Proof of citizenship (passport)
  • Name and contact information of two professional references.
  • Resume  /  Resume  (updated)
  • Letter of recommendation
  • English language test result
  • Declaration of intent

Application process

The application process takes some time. It starts several months before classes start. Universities have two main intakes, usually an autumn intake and a spring intake, for international students to begin their journey. You can call our Leverage Edu experts   on 1800 572 000 to find out how you can speed up and streamline your application process! Here’s a simple 5-step application process:

  1. Call our experts on 1800 572 000 to list your favorite universities and courses. Apply to multiple universities through our single platform.
  2. Collect all your documents such as SOPs, essays, certificates and LORs as well as exam results such as IELTS, TOEFL, GRE, GMAT, etc.
  3. Meet all application deadlines and begin the process of applying for accommodation, student visas and scholarships/student loans.
  4. Accept your offer letter and virtually meet with your teachers, college classmates, and roommates.
  5. Get your visa approved and fly to the university of your dreams.

Read also: Scholarships in New Zealand


The average cost depends on the combination of courses you plan to take. Typically, fees are charged for each specialty in which you specialize. Typically, the average tuition fee for a bachelor’s degree program is between 10,000 and 40,000 New Zealand dollars (4 to 20 lakh Indian rupees), so the average amount for a joint degree will be equal to more, but not double, since the number of courses is not multiplied by 2.

Work and salary

Depending on the combination, you may be able to gain multiple jobs in multiple fields by completing a joint degree in New Zealand. Let’s take a look below:

Combining science and law 

A student can obtain the following professions:

  • Forensics
  • Consulting
  • Patent law
  • Insurance

Combining arts and social sciences 

A student can obtain the following professions:

  • Research
  • Public Policy
  • academics
  • Education 
  • The University of Auckland is an example of a university that provides a joint Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Laws degree with  an average salary  of  US$50,000 to US$77,000 (INR 23 to 35 lakh)  several years after graduation.

Frequently Asked Questions 

Are joint degrees worth it?

Yes, if you are interested in more than one area of ​​study, a joint degree is worth it.

Are joint degrees more expensive?

Joint degrees should be more expensive than a single full-course bachelor’s degree, but not twice as much as courses are not doubled.

What does a joint degree look like?

A joint BA/BSc degree or a joint LLB/BE (Hons) degree are examples of what a joint degree might look like. This involves studying two areas at the same degree.

How long is a joint degree?

A joint degree usually lasts 4-5 years.

It was about joint diplomas in New Zealand. If you want to get into a top-ranked university, you can enlist the help of experts at  Leverage Edu  to guide you through the application process. Call us immediately on 1800 57 2000 for a free 30 minute consultation.

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